Several of you have mentioned that you are unable to print coupons from links. I have both Firefox and Internet Explorer on my computer. If a coupon won't print in one browser, I try it in the other browser. Nine times out of ten I am able to print in the opposite browser. You can also request that the coupon be mailed to you if you cannot get it to print. If you look in the lower right hand corner on the page that has the "print now" button, you will see a place to click on "help". If you click that, you can submit your address and they will mail the coupon to you. I hope this information is beneficial to everyone!
I had to reboot my computer to get those coupons to print...but since that reboot I've been able to print them all.
ReplyDeleteI found that not all coupons have the option of getting them mailed to you, but some do so it's worth clicking on help to see. I've gotten several in the mail and it's great to know that is an option!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much;that did the trick!