I finally remembered last night to check on those Lay's chips that Carlie at Why Ask Why posted about a while back. Sure enough, the small bags are $.30 each, and I had coupons for $.55 off 2. So I got 2 bags for 5 cents! The coupon does beep, but I think it's just because they have to make sure you bought 2. The coupon came out in the 4/13 Smartsource, and expires on June 8, so you still have a few days to use it. It doesn't have any picture on it, it's tan colored, and easy to miss, just in case you have trouble locating it!
Oh, and if you have trouble finding the small bags of chips, at my Wal-Mart they were in a display at the front of the store. Don't get them mixed up with the ones at the registers. Those are a little bigger, and they cost $.80.
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