Saturday, June 28, 2008

So Thankful for CVS

My little boy is very sick, and when my baby is sick I don't really care how much I need to spend in order to help him feel better. I really needed to get him some Motrin because I could not keep his fever down. I had some at home, but we are out of town, and I didn't bring it with me. Thankfully I had a large stash of Extrabucks, and although I "spent" quite a few on the Motrin, I only had to pay a few cents in actual cash. It is such a blessing to be able to get what I need without having to spend a whole lot of money on it.

If you are haven't gotten started "CVSing" yet, you can read more about it here, here, and here.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. It is such a blessing. We have had to do the same thing and it sure is nice to have those ECB's to really get things we need sometimes=)


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