To see the entire ad, just click on the banner.

Click "read more" to see coupon matchups.
Arnold Bread
Sale price = BOGO, $1.84 each
Use $.50 printable
Final price = $1.34 ($.84 if your store doubles printables)
Ball Park Beef Franks
Sale price = BOGO, $2.24 each
Use $1/2 coupon from 10/26 RP
Final price = $3.49 for 2
Edy's Ice Cream
Sale price = BOGO, $2.79 each
Use $1 coupon from November All You magazine
Final price = $1.79 each
Progresso Soup
Sale price = BOGO, $1.39 each
Use $1.10 printable
Final price = $.29 each
Stonyfield Farm Organic Yogurt
Sale price = 10/$6
Use $.50/3 printable
Final price = $1.30 for 3 ($.80 if your store doubles printables)
Scotties Facial Tissue
Sale price = 5/$5
Use $.50/3 coupon from recent inserts, doubled
Final price = $2 for 3
Valley Fresh Chicken 10 oz.
Sale price = BOGO, $1.84 each
Use $.65/2 coupon from 8/24 S, doubled
Final price = $2.38 for 2 ($1.19 each)
Dannon Activia Yogurt
Sale price = 2/$4
Use $.50 coupon from 9/21 S, doubled
Final price = $1 each
Harris Teeter will be tripling coupons November 6-9. I will try to get a list of good deas together sometime between now and then. You may triple up to 20 coupons per household per day. Coupons with a face value of up to $.99 will be tripled.
Here is a coupon for the Edys Ice cream
You've got to come see what I got at Target - Unbelievable!