I went to two different Walgreens' because they didn't have everything I wanted at the first store. (Plus I forgot to get milk the first time.)
First trip: Spent $12 in RR, and $3.79 out of pocket. Between rebates and RR, I got back $10.
Second trip: Spent $3 in RR and $1.12 out of pocket. I will get back $5 in rebates.
I went to Harris Teeter twice this week, but I didn't get a picture of the second trip because my wonderful husband put everything away for me as soon as I came in the door.
First trip: I had another $5/$25 Family Dollar coupon, so I put that to good use. I found the pork roast marked down to $1.71 lb. The Sunsilk was marked down to $1.25, and I used $1.50 coupons on it. I actually (gasp!) had to pay for the Garnier hairspray after coupon even though it was clearance. I love that hairspray, though, so I got it anyway. It was on clearance for $1.02, and I used a $1.00 coupon, so I had to pay two cents for it! What a shame! My total before coupons was $35 something, and after coupons it was $14 something.
Second trip: I had yet another $5/$25 Family Dollar coupon, and I used that to do the catalina deals on the Unilever and Dove products. After coupons, I paid $6.35, and I got $8 back in catalinas. It's great when I get paid to buy groceries! (I do have to thank my wonderful mother, though. I didn't have all the coupons I needed, so I bargained with her. She gave me the coupons I needed, and she got to keep the products she gave coupons for, but I got to keep the catalinas! She loves me so much that she's been willing to take the short end of the stick my whole life!)
Don't forget to stop in on Saturday for Crazy Coupon Capers! Find out about some major overage I found at Wal-Mart, and share your coupon story too!
Wow that's some really great shopping! Good for you. That swing is a great deal too.