My family and I had a lovely time hiking in the Blue Ridge mountains yesterday. I marveled at the beauty of the changing leaves and at the majesty of the mountains. But even more marvelous was the knowledge that the God Who made all of it loves me and thinks of me.
Psalm 8:3-4 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
I will never understand why the God Who is powerful enough to create such splendor loves me enough that He would send His only Son to pay for my sins. I can do nothing else than to love Him with all my heart and serve Him with my life. What about you? Have you given your life to Jesus in light of what He has done for you? Does it amaze you that the Creator God loves you and is interested in you? Read more about God's love for you here.

How is the Lord working in your heart? Link up or leave a comment and let me know!
Good post! nice and peaceful! Our service today was titled 'You are what you think'. I think right now that means I am a coupon. Ha! Seriously, the Lord during the service was helping us to see how our thought life is where seeds are planted for good or for bad and that the only hope we have is Jesus Christ! It was good also because you could not leave that building thinking that you were better than anybody because sin originates in the heart and apart from the grace of God, we are all lost! Thank goodness for grace!