I Samuel 16:7
...man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
I was standing in Wal-Mart sorting through my coupons before I got up to the register, and one of the employees came up behind me and said, "Oh, it's the coupon lady! I remember you!" I don't even remember ever having her as my cashier. But I know people are watching me. I have several cashiers at different stores that I have gotten to know personally, and I'm sure there are plenty others that know who I am even though I don't know them. Being a couponer draws a lot of attention to yourself!
My point with this verse, though, is this: Many people think that they can live, dress, act, etc. however they want. They say, "God looks on the heart, and He knows I love him, so I can do whatever I want on the outside." But people are watching. People that you don't even realize are watching are taking note of your lifestyle, words, and actions. They can't see your heart. All they have to look at is the outside. And if your outside does not reflect Christlikeness, then you are losing the privilege of being a witness for Christ. When others watch you, what do they see? Do they see Christ reflected in you, or are you no different from any of the rest of the world?
How is the Lord working in your heart? I'd love to have you leave a comment or link in and share!
Great post, MaryEllen! I can't tell you how many cashiers at Publix, CVS and Walgreens now know me by name and definetly by recognition. One at Walgreens met my dad and remembered to tell me the next time I was in and another knows my mom who works in that store sometimes. I am always on my toes to remember that ultimately if I a coupon beeps or a deal doesn't work the few dollars that I might be out are not worth me losing my testimony and/or a possible witness opportunity in the future. The Lord has really been working on me right along with your posts about giving away to some people in need some of the things I get for free/cheap instead of hoarding 10 tubes of toothpaste and 30 icing jars. And also to be praying for a good witnessing opportunity to the cashiers that know me by name. I plan to invite 2 of my CVS cashiers and 1 of my Walgreens cashiers to our Christmas program at church. I also am going CVSing Thanksgiving morning to my local CVS to get their Black Friday deals early and plan on bringing homemade turkey cupcakes with a thank you note for putting up with my "couponing" and also for them having to work on Thanksgiving along with a thanksgiving tract from our church. Thanks MaryEllen for your post - great reminder!