I love requesting samples and signing up for product testing companies because it makes checking my mail so much fun! Today there were so many goodies in my mailbox that it felt like Christmas! Here's what I got:

- A sweater from Christopher and Banks -- It was completely free due to a $10 off $10 coupon and free shipping. (I was going to post this deal so you all could get in on it, but by the time I found out about it I barely had time to get my own order in, much less post it in time for you all to order.)
- Family Fun magazine -- My mailbox stays packed with magazine subscriptions that I haven't paid a dime for. I try to post these free magazine deals whenever I find out about them so you all can get them too.
- A free sample of Jello Singles and a coupon for $1.00 off --This came from Kraft First Taste. You can sign up for this program here.
- Coupons from Beech Nut --One of the coupons was for $5 off $5 or more, so that means I'll be getting some free baby food! Sign up for Beech Nut's e-newsletter here so you can start getting your own coupons in the mail!
- My postcard from the Walgreens Easysaver program stating that my giftcard had been reloaded from the rebates I submitted last month --I made a profit of $4.70 on last month's rebates by using coupons and by receiving 10% bonus for selecting the gift card option. You can find out more here about the Walgreens program.
- A sample of Bear Naked granola and a $1.00 coupon --This sample is still available here if you have not requested yours yet.
Those Jello singles are good!!! thanks for the info on Baby food coupons!! :)