I sit at this computer just having arrived home from the mall. Everything was abuzz with the excitement of Christmas, and there was even a live band in the middle of the mall playing Christmas songs. Folks were smiling and enjoying themselves, and many were singing or humming along with the words of the songs. But I am always saddened at this time of year as I watch all the people go by. I have to realize that many of them, although they are singing cheerfully the words of the Christmas carols, do not know the Christ of Whom they sing. They picture Jesus as a baby in a manger, and that's right where it ends.
But Jesus did not come to earth just to give an artist inspiration for a painting on a Christmas card. He came to earth knowing that He would be killed by the very people He came to save. He came because of His great love for me and for you. He came to "seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10.)
That was me! I was "lost". I had no hope of salvation because I could never be good enough to get to Heaven on my own. Even the good things that I do God says are as "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6.) I could try to earn my way into Heaven, but God requires perfection, which I could never possibly attain. If I commit even one sin in my whole life, God says that I am guilty of breaking His entire law (James 2:10.) But He loved me so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to earth to pay the penalty for my sin. I deserved to die and spend eternity in Hell, but Jesus took my place and died on the cross to pay for my sin! Then He rose from the grave 3 days later, and He lives forever so that I can live forever with Him!
That's what Christmas is all about, folks. Jesus was that baby in the manger so that He could one day die to pay for my sin that I might have eternal life. And He died for your sin too, dear friend. Have you ever admitted that you can never be good enough to get to Heaven on your own? Have you ever trusted fully in the payment that Jesus made for your sin? I am sure most of you are familiar with John 3:16 -- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. You can have everlasting life by simply trusting in the payment Jesus Christ made for you.
What does Christmas mean to you? Is it just about the baby in the manger, or is it about the Jesus who grew up and died on the cross for your sin? If you are not sure that you have the eternal life that Christ came to give, please read more here about how you can be sure. Also, feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
Well said. My sentiments exactly. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThank you for always giving this post each Sunday...I am always looking at your website and several of others for the best deals...but you always remind me every Sunday Who is most important- in eternity these "deals" won't matter a hill of beans...what does matter is Jesus Christ and my relationship to Him...thanks again!
ReplyDeleteI usually link to your sunday substanance post, so here it is...
ReplyDeleteI am with you all the way! I wrote a post recently called "He's not a baby in a manger anymore" and I am totally on the same page! Keep up the great posts - money saving AND soul saving!