If a date is listed beside an abbreviation, the date stands for the week that the paper came out, and the abbreviation stands for which insert a coupon was in. So if a coupon was from 10/12 S, you can find it the Smartsource insert from the October 12th Sunday paper.
Are you following the example set by the good Samaritan?
In review, two weeks ago we looked at the first necessity for following the example set by the good Samaritan, which is Spiritual Eyes. How do we view those with whom we come into contact everyday of our lives? Are they simply just human beings walking down the road of life or do you see living souls? do you see people who have needs that only the Lord Jesus Christ is able to meet? Then last week we introduced the second necessity for following the example of the good Samaritan, which was Spiritual Equipment, including the Word of God, a Walk with God, and a Whole-hearted surrender to God. We covered the first sub-point last week regarding the Word of God and how it is only the Scripture that is able to work in the heart and life of an individual to bring about real change. This week we will cover a Walk with God and Whole-hearted Surrender to God.
In Ephesians 4:15 we read that we are to speak the truth in love. It is not enough to just share the Word of God with a soul in need, for if we share Scripture without love we may actually do more harm than good. If we are not walking day by day with Jesus Christ then we will not have the love of Jesus Christ abiding in us. We also will not have the ability to sense the leading of the Holy Spirit and consequently may miss out on opportunities to minister to others.
Another necessary piece of Spiritual Equipment is a Whole-hearted Surrender to the Lord. James writes in verse 22 of chapter 1, "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only." When the Holy Spirit whispers in our ear to witness to someone, we must be willing to do so. Possessing the Word of God and a Walk with God are not enough in and of themselves if we are to follow the example of the good Samaritan. Each one of us must make a personal choice to follow the Spirit's leading and witness boldly to the lost.
In conclusion, let us remember that it is not only the good Samaritan whose example we should be trying to follow; it is ultimately the example of the Lord Jesus Christ we should be seeking to emulate. The good Samaritan demonstrated Biblical principles, principles from the Word of God. Every aspect of our lives should be controlled by the Word of God.
How about you? How has God been working in your heart lately? I'd love to have you leave me a comment of write me an email, sharing what the Lord has been teaching you!