If you're looking to earn a little extra cash from home, you may be interested in participating in paid surveys. Let me start by telling you that you're definitely not going to get rich from these, but it is an easy way to earn a little extra money.
I have been participating in paid surveys for about 2 years, and I generally earn around $40 a month between all the different sites for which I take surveys. I receive a whole lot more survey invitations than I have time to take, so I'm sure I could potentially make even more than $40 a month.
Here are some tips from my personal experience with taking online surveys:
1. Sign up for as many companies as you can. The more companies you're signed up with, the more survey invitations you'll receive and the more money you'll earn.
2. Use a "junk mail" email address to sign up. You won't want your survey invitations filling up your regular inbox.
3. Fill out as much profile information on each site as possible. You will be more likely to receive survey inviations.
4. Don't be disappointed if you don't receive many survey invitations from one company. Survey invitations are based on certain demographics, and if you're not a good fit, you won't get many invitations. Don't let that bother you, there will sooner or later be a company that will work out better for you. Some companies work really well for one person and not for another.
5. Pay attention to the incentive. Usually when you receive a survey invitation in your email inbox, you will be told up front what the incentive is - a certain dollar amount, a sweepstakes drawing, points, etc. I never bother taking surveys when they are for a sweepstakes - I don't feel that it is worth my time.
6. Don't be afraid of sites that offer points rather than cash. You can bank up your points and redeem them for prizes, and a lot of times they can actually be redeemed for gift cards or even cash.
7. Evaluate how much your time is worth. If you really don't have the time to take the surveys, don't make yourself feel like you have to take every single survey you're invited to take.
Here are some sites that I either currently use or have used in the past.
American Consumer Opinion
Opinion Outpost
Survey Savvy
I think the getting a separate email account is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteHow much time would you say you spend a month to earn your $40?
Agreed, finding good survey companies is best done by signing up to lots of them and seeing what sticks.