I didn't do a lot of shopping this week except running to Publix to get more cake mixes and a quick trip to Aldi for strawberries and milk. No pictures of those but here is my CVS trip.
Total 31.48
- $14.00 in coupons
used (2) $5 huggies coupon, (1) $3.00 huggies coupon, $1.00 colgate coupon (from All You magazine)
= $17.48
paid with 16.97 in ECBs and $1.91 on CVS gift card. I earned back $15.49 in ECB's making the total cost of this transaction $3.39.
(I buy a $20 CVS GC at the beginning of the month as my budget for CVS is no more than $20 a month for my OOP cost. I actually have been able to only spend about $12-15 a month the past few months so I just roll the rest into the next month)
What about you? Did you get any good deals with your coupons or have any interesting experiences? Link in or leave a comment and let me know!
That's a great idea about getting a gift card and only spending that much a month. I think I'll try that.