I shared with you here about these old, vintage-looking windows that I scored for FREE at the flea market. Some of you, I am sure, thought I was crazy and wondered what I was going to do with them.

I knew exactly what I had in mind…

Turn them into some almost-FREE, vintage-looking outdoor décor! :)

This frame already had the glass broken out of it, which was fine because it made it lighter, easier, and safer to hang.
I already had the deck hanging basket from off my old deck. I did have to buy a new coco liner ($2 at Walmart) and two 6 packs of flower ($1.68 each at Walmart). Other than that, everything else was FREE or I already had it! :)
I just attached the basket directly to the window using screws, planted flowers, attached large picture hangars on the back of the frame, and talk my husband into helping me drill 2 screws into the concrete fireplace. I already had the small grapevine wreath and just added some coordinating flowers from my stash and hung it from the latch on the window with some jute string.
I left the white chippy paint on the window, the handles, and the latch on the top to keep that vintage feel.
We have a 2 story house with a very tall fireplace so this helps bring the eye down and make the deck really feel like an outdoor room!
I have more projects planned for the other windows as soon as I get a chance to work on them. So the next time you see some old, chippy windows in the trash pile… think twice about passing them by. :)
Sorry, but I just don;t like this idea - nope - I LOVE it!!! And, shmelessly plan on copying!! This is just whay I need to spice up my deck area and a great way to use the old windo frame I've been puzzling over how to use! THANKS!! P.S. I totally already stole your idea about spray painting vent covers! Thanks for that too!