Two Saturdays ago, I went to my favorite parking lot yard sale and actually sold stuff. Came home with 75% of my stuff gone and $150 richer! :) I love both sides of yard sales… BUYING and SELLING. :)
But in between customers, I had a chance to do some shopping myself. :) And I found some great deals!
I had really been wanting a huge iron star, but they sell for $20 or more even with coupons at Hobby Lobby. So I was super happy when I scored this one for $6! :) It already has a home on my deck, which I will be sharing soon.
The birdcage was $2.00 and the mirror/window thing was $2.00. Still working on a place for those but I have a few ideas in mind.
What have you found while thrifting or shopping yard sales this week?
You did well. Last community yard sale I went to I barely broke even. Too much shopping and and not enough selling. :)