If you are wanting to cross some gifts off your Christmas list (and maybe get a few things for yourself as well :), you won’t want to miss this online jewelry party! My friend Lavonda operates the best jewelry business on facebook called Lavonda’s Boutique.
I have gotten some great stuff from her in the past and her prices are AMAZING!!
I have quite a few of these little adjustable flower rings – for $3 each, you can’t beat that price!

I wear this little black bracelet quite frequently on Sundays.

And I love my newest ring – a glass pendant ring for $2

Here is how the facebook jewelry party will work:
Lavonda will add a lot more jewelry to her facebook page starting on Saturday. You can start browsing and picking out things you want to order. There will be some additional party specials added the day of the party. So be sure to check back then as well!
Tuesday, November 1st from 9:00-10:00 p.m. (EST)
is party time!!
Just be on facebook and get ready for some giveaways and chat with friends while you browse. 1st giveaway is at 9:00pm and 2nd giveaway is at 9:30pm.
To place an order – just comment on the picture of the jewelry you want. Lavonda will then contact you on facebook after the close of the party with your total and to get your shipping address.
Here’s the best part – my readers get a special discount at this party!!
The coupon codes above can be combined as well, so spend $25, get free shipping AND a free necklace!
Just make sure when you share your shipping address with Lavonda, you mention these codes so you can claim your free stuff!
If you can’t come to the party, you can place an order anytime between Saturday (10/29) and Tuesday evening (11/1), just be sure to mention the coupon codes to get FREE shipping and a FREE necklace.
This is the necklace set (actually comes with earrings too!)or something similar as supplies last that you can get for FREE with a $10 purchase. Just make sure to mention the code whenever Lavonda contacts you.

Hope to see you there!
I will remind you on Tuesday on facebook and here so you don’t forget!